Wednesday, May 11, 2016

String bags

We're going on a Girl Scout weekend retreat in Wisconsin and need an easy craft to do if we have some downtime. A couple of years ago we marched in the town's Labor Day parade (really marched, as in cadences and flag corp!) and we tie-dyed the flags. As a send-off for the girls, we thought it would be cool to turn them into something. Here's a guide on how to make them into string bags.

A sewing machine is necessary, but I think you can get away without using an iron. If you have one, all the better, but I didn't bother when I made my trial bag(s). These are meant to be done quickly and probably not perfectly.

Items needed for one bag

Piece of fabric at least 17”x30”
4 yards of nylon cord (cut into 2 equal 2-yard pieces)
Sewing machine, thread
Measuring tape 


Our flags are around 31”x21”. Using the tape measure, (thank you, Ikea!) measure 17 inches up from one long end of fabric and pin.  Do this 3 more times, evenly spaced across the fabric.  (Figure A)

Cut as best as you can across the line you made with the pins. (Figure A)

Remove the pins.  Your fabric should be about 31” long by 17” high.

Fold fabric in half. Flatten wrinkles as best you can with your fingers.  (Figure B)
Insert scissors into fold and cut the folded edge.  Your fabric will now be about 15” long by 17” high. [If your fabric had a longer edge, that’s okay! There is no exact size for these bags.

From the top edge (15”), fold down 1.5 inches.

Pin about three times, measuring each time to make sure you have 1.5”. The key is to have a straight top. This corrects any messy cutting you might have done before!

Do this to both pieces of fabric.
Bring to leader to sew.
Remove pins & trim any threads from the sewing machine.
Line up the tops, keeping right (pretty) sides together.
Cut two pieces of cord, each 2 yards long (72”).
Starting with the top piece of fabric, from the left, slide one cord all the way through the top to the right side.

Insert the end into the other piece of fabric, right side. Slide all the way over to the other side. The cord will meet where you started.  Make the cord lengths even.

With the other cord, start at right side of top piece of fabric. Slide all the way to the left side. 
      Insert the end into the back piece of fabric (left side) & slide it all the way back to the right. The cord will meet where you started. Make the cord lengths even.

Tie knots in ends of both cords. 
     Put the ropes inside the two pieces of fabric. 

Line up the sides and give to leader to sew on sewing machine.
NOTE TO LEADER DOING THE SEWING: Keep rope inside. Stitch along side (pin if you need) using ½” seam allowance. Reinforce stitching at beginning. When close to end, pull the knot out of the side corner and sew over. Reinforce stitching.  
      Do the same on the other side. Sew bottom shut.
Turn inside out.

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